How to contact us


Compliance with laws, internal rules and principles is of the utmost importance for us. That is why we also count on your support: if you are aware of any potential misconduct, please make use of one of our reporting channels. By doing so, you help us to quickly identify and clarify possible violations and take corrective action.

Examples of potential misconduct are:

  • Criminal offences, e.g. fraud, theft, bribery or money laundering.
  • Conduct that violates the right to equal treatment (discrimination)
  • Violations of the Code of Conduct and internal guidelines
  • Risks or violations of human rights or environmental regulations in our own business activities or in our supply chain

You will find further information on our complaints procedure under the Supply Chain Act here.

All reports are treated strictly confidential and can be submitted anonymously. The protection of whistleblowers is very important to us and is laid down in our internal guidelines.


Anonymous Whistleblowing-System
You can report to us anonymously on a 24/7 basis via our whistleblowing-system "sicher-melden". The “sicher-melden” tool is available in English and German and may be accessed from any internet-compatible PC at  


Contact the Compliance Management team 
You can also reach out to the Compliance Management team directly:


Our ombudspersons (in Germany)
You may also get in touch with our ombudspersons, in person or anonymously. Our ombudspersons will ensure that your report is forwarded to the Compliance Management.   


Additional information
For any questions regarding BWI's products and services, please contact one of our service partners. Please use the following contact details:

info[at], +49 (0)2225 988 0